
Hello Coldbox Community...

Curt Gratz January 30, 2010

Spread the word

Curt Gratz

January 30, 2010

Spread the word

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My name is Curt Gratz, and I'm a Coldbox Junkie...

Before I started posting to the Coldbox blog, I thought I should introduce myself.  I am a long time (13+ year) Coldfusion developer, part owner of Coldbox Alliance Partner Computer Know How, and the newest member of Team Coldbox. 

I feel both humbled and privileged to be part of a team of extremely smart and forward thinking individuals.  Coldbox has changed the way that I develop applications and has improved our efficiency at Computer Know How greatly, and I look forward to giving back to the community that has helped me, and to improving the already outstanding toolset that is Coldbox and its sister applications LogBox, MockBox, and the CodexWiki.

I would like to personally thank Luis Majano for his tireless dedication to the Coldbox and Coldfusion community.  Sometimes I wonder how he gets it all done.  I would also like to thank him for thinking enough of me to have me be part of the team. 

I look forward to sharing some of my experiences developing Coldbox applications out in the world.

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Jan 31, 2010 00:31:08 UTC

by Luis majano

Welcome curt. You are an awesome asset to the team an core development. The future is indeed bright.

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